My hamster

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pre UPSR Answering Techniques Workshop

1)English Workshop

Paper 1
The speaker ask me to always remember to do read the questions carefully. The speaker also asked us to check our answer before we submit to the teacher or examiner.The speaker gave us an exercise to do on that day. After finishing the exercise, we all checked the answers together.

Paper 2
The speaker told us to never predict in section A. The speaker also told us to look at the picture carefully. The speaker told us to tell the reason of why we like the object in section B. The speaker told us to see the tenses in section C. We also are told to check our paper 2 on tests. There are words given to help us in section C.

2)Bahasa Malaysia Workshop

The speaker told us to always read the questions until the end. We also need to read alot of books to know more words. In the question 25 until 30, we need to know the meaning of the words.In the question from 31 until 40, we are needed to read a text carefully and underline the answers so it will be easy to answer the questions.

In section A we are need to make sentences using the picture given. There are 3 questions given in section B and the speaker asked us to pick wisely. We need to write 6 paragraphs with long sentences in it. In section C, we are told to transfer the moral values from a text and writing it in a paragraph.We must also use the correct spelling and grammar in paper 2 to get marks.

3)Science Workshop

Section A
We are told to read and understand the questions in section A. We must circle the correct answer and shade it in the answer sheet.The speaker told us to check the answers twice on the answer sheet.

Section B
We are given 3 until 5 questions in section B. We need to read the questions carefully so we understand what is the same, changed or observed. Most of the questions in sectio B are experiments done by children.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Appreciation and Reflection

I would like to say thank you to my mother for helping me do this project and for using her laptop because mine is spoilt.I also want to say thankyou to my english teacher for teaching me to do this project.
I learned how to write a review about a book in this project. I also learned two new word which is tolerance and conflict.I now know how to cool down by this project.

3 ways to cool down

1. take a deep breath in and breath out
2. relax by doing your h0bby like reading
3. get your anger out by squeezing your pillow or shout into it

What is Conflict?

Conflict means:1. a. struggle; fight
b. (fig)serious disagreement; argument; controversy
2. (of opinions, desires)opposition; difference; clash

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

English Folio Number 4

I think I'm cool because I make the people around me laugh.I also is there when my friends need me.

I think Umar my best friend is cool :
1.He is always there for me
2.He is very funny
3.He always comforts me when i am in a bad mood

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Things that are cool

1.My mother because she loves me very much.
2.My cousins because eventhough its bored he will make some games.
3.Umar because his always there for me.
4.Harris because he always makes me laugh.
5.Micheal Jackson because he is the king of pop.
6.My sister because she helps me when I need help
7.My pet cat because it is very cute.
8.My father because he cares for the family and the leader of the family.